Imogen Campbell

Student Textile Art - Royal School of Needlework

Imogen Campbell – UK

Social Media: @imyc_embroidery
Mentor: Amarjeet Nandhra


Whilst the musicality of her work takes precedence; Imogen aims to use embroidery as a means of self-expression which does not rely on verbal communication. This enables her work to take on a multi- sensory approach.

The introspective and meditative qualities of the craft of hand embroidery enables Imogen to project her thoughts through the intimate connection between her hands and materials. This results in illustrative, rhythmic and colourful hand embroideries.

Title of Piece:
Debut Album

Imogen captures the thoughts and emotions evoked when listening to music into hand embroidery. Playing with the notion of the ‘concept album’, Imogen captures the essence of the music into abstract expressionist embroidered album covers, and guitar straps, evoking iconic musical iconography through these specific objects.

Record and album covers have become an integral part of how music is expressed visually to the audience, even though a different media to the embroideries Imogen creates.

Whilst the musicality of her work takes precedence, this collection is a multi-sensory means of self- expression and non-verbal communication, by exploiting her skills as a hand embroiderer and the introspective and meditative qualities of the craft.
Her practice allows her to project her thoughts through the intimate connection between her hands and her materials.

hand and lock samples

Hand and Lock large logo