Virahanka Bouquet

Leonardo Fibonacci is known as the person to discover the Fibonacci sequence. The discovery however could be better attributed to a line of Indian mathematicians. The first to lay the groundwork was Pingla (c. 200 BC). Later, Virahanka (c. 700 AD) expanded upon his work and drafted the Fibonacci Sequence that we all know today. This piece explores our ever changing with relationship with nature, technology, and time. We draw upon biomimicry as a method to enhance our technological advantages. Nature and technology are becoming more entwined.

This piece features Jake Alawson a UK Instagram influencer who has a chest plate of tattoos which draw from floral Mandella art. He is enhancing his beauty with tattoos which have been inspired by eastern tradition and adapted to appeal to a global audience connected by his mobile phone with a hive mind (his audience). The work questions identity and how we present ourselves. It explores ideas of evolution and power. It highlights how humans draw from nature to benefit themselves in some way. This artwork questions the purpose this serves within our evolution and culture. It also questions who controls and influences narratives and how they are changed and recycled through time.

The work question's identity and how we present ourselves. It explores how humans draw from nature to benefit themselves in some way. This artwork questions the purpose this serves within our evolution and culture. It also questions who controls and influences narratives and how they are changed.