Peicen Jiang Profile - The Prize 2024

Peicen Jiang - China

Peicen Jiang examines societal pressures on the female form, creating garments that mirror the body’s societal state. Her work, spanning installations, sculptures, and garments, provides a visceral commentary on societal expectations.

A BFA from Southwest University (2021) and an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2024) preceded her current exploration of beauty and brutality in her Chicago-based series *To Pierce Through Water* (2023–24).

Mentor: Beatrice Korlekie Newman
Peicen Jiang Creative Process - The Prize 2024
The Piece:

To Pierce Through Water

In this collection, Peicen Jiang delves into the psychological pressures of societal expectations that manifest in the distorted female form as a symbol of violence. Drawing from historical garments like corsets and crinolines, she juxtaposes beauty with brutality, inspired by the works of H.R. Giger and Franciszek Starowieyski. Her manipulation of fabrics and sustainable practices invite viewers to reflect on their own social anxieties and the malleability of form.