Important dates 2024 H&L Prize for Embroidery

What's next?

The Hand & Lock Prize for Embroidery has began and the registration for 2024 is officially open.

The process starts with entrants registering though the H&L website and concludes with an exciting live judging in London.

If you are entering the 2024 Prize this page will remind you where we sit in the schedule and what deadlines or key dates are looming.

Detailed below are the all important deadlines for registering, uploading images of you work in progress and for submitting final physical pieces.

If you have any questions about the schedule, 2024 the Brief or are unsure which category to enter then please don’t hesitate to contact

November 2024

Registration is now CLOSED

Sign up for 2025

Sign Up Here
3rd April - 7th July 2024

Online submissions

No physical work needs to be submitted at this stage, entrants are only required to send completed work if they become a finalist in the competition.

Submission Guidelines

*No physical work needs to be submitted at this stage, entrants are only required to send completed work if they become a finalist in the competition.*

26th July 2024

Finalists selected

Judges will select the finalists and all entrants will be updated on their progress.

Meet the Judges
26th July - 6th September 2024

Work with your mentor to perfect your submission

Meet the Mentors
3th - 6th September 2024

Finalists must submit finished work to the Hand & Lock studio in this week

Final deadline is 5pm on Friday 6th September.

November 2024

Prize-giving Ceremony and The Hand & Lock Prize for Embroidery Exhibition 2024

Hand and Lock large logo