Daisy McClay

Student Textile Art - Royal College of Art

Daisy McClay – UK

Social Media: @omgitsdaisymc
Mentor: Charlotte Gaunt

Daisy McClay is a multi-disciplinary textile artist and designer, combining illustration, mixed media, embroidery and embellishment. Her purpose as a designer and textile artist is to promote joy and playfulness,

something that she believes it is vital and lacking in the muted landscape of the 2020’s thus far. In a world of grey let’s embrace more colour and sparkle!!

Title of Piece: Devotion

After a period of chronic illness, Daisy’s creativity had vanished along with other parts of herself, she made the decision to reassemble herself, picking and choosing which pieces to put back in, discarding what no longer fit, creating space for new growth.

“Devotion” is a visual representation of her healing, explored through the medium of digital print and hand stitch, a process she finds meditative and soul soothing in its own way.

Daisy McClay mood board

Hand and Lock large logo