Amy Turner

Student Fashion - Royal School of Needlework

Amy Turner – UK

Social Media: @amy_lou_embroidery
Mentor: Danielle Clough

The hand embroidery of Amy Turner, a 2024 graduate of the Royal School of Needlework, captures the fragility of health and

exploration of the grotesque through her use of beautiful and delicate materials.

Title of Piece:

Pestilence explores disease, mainly the Bubonic Plague, and the physical effects it has on the human body. Pestilence brings beauty to something that goes undiscussed because it is seen as ‘ugly’, ‘disturbing’ or ‘distressing’ by others. Amy has taken her inspiration from visits to the Hunterian Museum,

The Wellcome Collection and The Old Operating Theatre Museum, as well as antique anatomy art, medieval depictions of disease and how the plague has been depicted in popular culture.


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