Eliza Gomersall - Royal School of Needlework

The Worshipful Company of Broderers


Palingenesis (Rebirth/ Recreation): A Story of Transformation, as a symbol of transformation I have chosen the form of a moth to tell a story of change, adaptation, and rebirth both in nature and within textile practices. Moths are perhaps underestimated creatures, their beauty and vital roles within our ecosystem often go unnoticed. Pesticides, herbicides, light pollution, and climate change have all been contributing factors to the decrease in our moth population. Looking at nature through a macro lens gives an extraordinary perspective. I have created a hand embroidered fantastical moth that measures approximately 1 meter in wingspan.

The scale of my final work reflects my empathy for our natural world, even the smallest of creatures have significance and purpose. I have combined traditional hand embroidery techniques such as, canvas work, raised work, pulled work, silk shading and gold work along with natural, vintage, and reclaimed materials in response to ethical considerations and sustainable practice. I am asking the observer to look within its wings to discover a continuing story of transformation, to consider the critical environmental challenges facing our planet and natures call for times of change.

Being mindful of environmental factors within textile production and natures call for times of change, Eliza has used natural, vintage, and pre- loved materials wherever possible in her practice.
Inspired by nature and by fantasy film Eliza has created a fantastical moth to tell a story of transformation both in nature and of material.
Moths are perhaps underestimated creatures, their beauty and vital roles within our ecosystem often go unnoticed.
Materials used: - Vintage/ re-purposed lace - Second-hand beads and clock parts - Silk and faux fur scraps - Velvet remnants - Tapestry wool/ Appleton wool - Stranded cotton - Variety of donated threads - Goldwork metals - Ostrich and pheasant feathers - 20 count cork linen
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